
Monday, September 28, 2009

All Things Nova Scotian

The following is a list of things I want to do when I'm home in NS:

1. Visit with Mom, Dad, Steve, Shawn, Nicole and Tori

2. Visit Grampy

3. Visit Pearl and Wally

4. Take my book and blanket to the beach for ocean time!

5. Visit with Sonya and go on various excursions with her

6. Take lots of Fall photos

7. Visit the dam with Sonya for photos and a picnic.

8. Visit Brazil Lake Wesleyan and hang out Sunday Night.

9. Go for walks with Mom and Dad.

10. Have Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

11. Bring Grampy cake and balloons on his birthday. Oct. 6th!


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Some days I stop to consider how very blesed I am. Today my husband left for Yorkton, SK to do a two week course. Tomorrow I am heading out for home in Nova Scotia. As we parted ways this afternoon I felt like a piece of my heart drove away with him. I didn't realize how comforting it is to just have him up the road at work, or driving around town, or at home with me. I love that guy so fully that I can't imagine loving him more...but I know in 5, 20 or 60 years from now I will love him that much more. I'm so thrilled to be going home to see Mom and Dad, Grampy, my brothers and my neice and sister-in-law. I can't wait to hang out with my best friend and take a million photos of Autumn and take little day trips here and there. I also can't wait to go back to my old church in Brazil Lake and talk with people I haven't seen in months...people I've known and loved my entire life.

I'm truly blessed, and so happy to be going home, and so grateful to my Dad for offering this trip to me that I could not afford on my own. However, I will miss my husband like never before. We have been inseperable, best friends our past four months of marriage. Yes, we were apart for 6 months during our engagement...but there is something about being husband and wife that make the separation that much more dreadful. He's my companion, my friend, my room mate, my confidante, my love, my shoulder to cry on, and even my garbage man. =) I'm so thankful God gave us to each other.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I think excited is an understatement. My Dad called this morning and informed me that he was talking to Airmiles people and was looking to book me a flight home to NS!! Let me tell you I was, and still am, so happy! Devin is going on a two week course while I was planning to stay here at home, unemployed, and lonesome (pathetic I know). Just last night I realized I had finally resigned to the fact that the next 2 weeks would have sort of stunk, but I knew I was going to survive obviously...But seriously? This trip, and this timing...couldn't be better! It's still warm enough to go to the ocean for long, wonderful walks. And the leaves will be changing while I'm there. I am going to fill my camera with pictures of the ocean, lighthouse, family and friends. I have always cherished my home and my province, but I have never felt more blessed to be visiting than I am now. I feel like I just won a trip to Hawaii or Australia! lol. I would not be this excited if I were leaving my hubby here alone...but he'll be gone, so my mind will be at rest.

Such a womderful day! I have the most generous parents. Although I'm married and moved away, they're still always looking out for me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome Autumn!

I adore this season. The cooler weather, the changing leaves (although there are significantly fewer leaves around Gravelbourg then back home), and harvest time. I love being able to put on a warm sweater and wear comfy slippers around the house without melting in the heat.

My hubby and I had a beautiful day yesterday. The weather was very cool, and the sun was shining. Devin and I went for a long walk around the town and then stopped for cocoa and coffee at Cafe Paris and rented a few movies. We made a huge chicken supper and watched a movie, then after supper we had catches and went for another walk around the entire perimeter of the town. We finished off our night by playing sports and racing games on the Play Station :) What a perfectly wonderful last day of summer with my favourite person on earth.

Today I took in some scenery with my camera by driving down a bunch of back roads and snapping shots of dilapidated farm houses, bales of hay, a winding river, and endless wheat fields. I felt so giddy and content. This really is a beautiful place to be this time of year.

Today, I praise God for His vast and BEAUTIFUL creation that we're so blessed to enjoy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cooler temperatures...great friends

Today has just been one of those great days. Taught sunday school this morning, and had lots of laughs with the kiddos along with a fairly successful lesson. After church we went to the Bell farm and had lunch and an afternoon of games and fun with them and their extended family. We felt perfectly at home there, and their children/grandchildren are hilarious and adorable. We then continued on to supper at Lacie and Todd's. The food was amazing and we had lots of laughs and play lots of Wii :)

Just one of those days that I look back on and feel happy and content. Not to mention my long-awaited rain and cooler temperatures arrived this morning! I was actually chilly today!

Life is good and God is amazing. I praise Him today for the family of God and welcoming friends who make any place in the world feel like home.

Good night.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer is coming to a close

I am ashamed to say that I'm not completely bummed that summer is ending (as I usually am). This summer has been the most interesting one I can remember, although my life was far from hectic or busy.

I am happily in love-- a newlywed, enjoying the company of my husband and appreciating that we're actually living in the same province now (unlike during our months of engagement when I lived in Ottawa and he lived in Regina). I'm also noticing that Saskatchwan has sunny skies alllllll the time...can't complain there! I've also had the pleasure of meeting several new friends through Devin and through church. These people have made me feel at home here.

I suppose the "interesting" part of my summer has been the way I've been feeling. It's really all up in my head...somedays I made myself crazy! I knew that I should be overjoyed that I'm finished with university, married to my best friend, and living in a new place with great people; but every so often I would crave sitting on the beach, or visiting the lighthouse, or vegging out and watching a tv show (we haven't watched tv for months), or visiting with my best friend who I don't have to explain my history or my background to because she was there for most of it...she knows me already. I guess this is what you call homesickness. Most times, I'll only let myself feel this way for about 30 minutes until I feel guilty and selfish. Today was one of those days. A plane ticket home is SO expensive. Even to go and see my wonderful in-laws is just a ridiculous price. As I rememered this fact today, I was not a happy camper.

So the reason I say that I'm not entirely unhappy that the winter is moving in and the summer is fading is because this entire summer reminded me of all of the things I miss about home. Salt air, being near the ocean every single day, running into people who have known me since diapers, back yard barbeques, hanging out with Mom and Dad and Devin while we had deep discussions and drank tea :), being able to run to the nearest lake and cool off when it's hot out....This summer really was unique, and there was so much I loved about it. But the nagging "missing" feeling...uggg...I could handle not feeling like that ever again.

So aside from the sulking...let me go over some of the great things that happened this summer. Devin and I were quickly welcomed into the community. We were invited over to home after home for meals, company and bbqs. I met some great girls through church and Devin's work who are so fun to be around and undersatand that it's not easy being so far from home. I've also become a Sunday School teacher to some great kids and teens. I've taken up reading as a nearly obsessive hobby. I helped out at my church's VBS program which was so much fun. Devin and I went on our first camping trip as husband and wife on a beautiful lake. I attended several awesome bonfires and discovered the deliciousness that is Tim Tam Slams...yum. Also, my best friend came all the way from NS to visit me at the end of August, and my parents came the following week.

So...no complaints here. This summer was NOT bad-just different.

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