
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Empty Womb, Aching Heart

Next month will be the 12th month since we started trying to conceive.  There may have been a month or 2 within that year where Devin was away on a course or something...but it still *feels* like a year. My heart is so darn sore tonight. It seems to be a daily or weekly event lately where I discover about a new pregnancy of a friend, aquauntance or FB friend. It's a bittersweet feeling because I feel overjoyed for the newly pregnant women, but sad for my non-pregnant self.  Today alone I found out about 2 pregnancies.

I have a fear of discovering a major problem that is causing my infertility...and for that reason I have not visited the doctor about this issue..yet. I am actively charting my cycle this month, temping every morning, remembering to take my prenatal vitamins, but my hope is so dashed that I have a hard time believing I'll ever see a positive test. Some days are far worse than others, and some days I feel content and trust that it's just not "my timing yet". *Sigh*

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