
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Loving Children

I've always considered myself a "kid-lover". I have worked with kids since I was legally able to have a job, and babysat even before that. I have played with, taught and talked to hundreds of kids through day camps, day cares, elementary schools, high schools, family, friends, church, babysitters courses, and Sunday School. I think it's a passion I didn't really even know I had until I was already in it. I always knew I "liked" kids...but truthfully I often did not look forward to my long days of work or volunteering with noisey, messy, needy children. I would enjoy the odd cuddle or hug or laugh with them, but many days my heart wasn't in it.  This year is the first year I have had a teaching contract, and it has been a great job at a great school with only 8 great kids. But truth be told, there were many days this year when I had no interest in getting up and going to school.  But I thought I "loved" kids? Shouldn't I love going to see them and teach them and just be with them?  I blame part of my apathy on the fact that I struggled not to be depressed this year by my longing for my own children, but still, shouldn't I have enjoyed the lovely little ones that were in my care? Well, I do now...although I only have 6 days of Kindergarten left this year.

It started last week, Sunday night I believe. I had a dream about a boy in my class who challenges me, to say the least. But this dream was pleasant and lovely. I don't remember anything about the dream except I felt genuine love for this boy, and he ran into my arms with his big dimply smile and gave me a big hug, and when I woke up, I felt different. I really can't explain it, but all this week I looked forward to seeing him and my other Kindergarten kids. I looked forward to our hugs and our coversations and even to drying their tears. I felt love for these kids.  Last night I had another dream. I woke up in the middle of the night and was feeling a deep sadness and longing for the children we don't have yet, and prayed something, but I can't remember what. I must have quickly fallen asleep because I had a smililar dream with the same boy, and then just had images of my Kindergarten kids in my mind. I don't remember any conversation or anything specific, but it felt like a message straight from God...the more I think about it today the more I believe it's true. God was showing me in my dream He has already put many children in my path to teach, guide and love. These 8 precious children who were created in His image with unique gifts and characteristics. HOW AM I JUST SEEING THIS? I know they are not mine per se, but I have a large impact on their lives, and I will forever be their "first school teacher", and things I say and do can and will impact their lives. God may not have given us a son or daughter to call our own yet, but I believe He has placed beautiful children all around us to love on and encourage and protect.  What an awesome God we serve. I am SO thankful that God used these 2 dreams to literally open my eyes and show me His gifts. Immediately after crying out to Him in the middle of the night, He answered my prayer with a dream and an answer.

So this past week in my classroom there has been more patience for my sweet class and the other students my my school, more hugs, more kneeling down and listening to cute stories, more sympathy for "owies" that need Band-Aids, more kind words, more fun, more love and more laughter.

Lord, I thank you for the 8 beautiful children You have brought into my life through my job this year, and the many other children around us that we have been blessed to know and love. Amen.

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