
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Canada wins the gold!

Canada did so wonderful (all around) in this Winter Olympics.  It is so much sweeter that it is in our home territory!  We got the mos t gold medals of any country...wow!  I just finished watching the very tense hockey game that finished off the Olympics, and was filled with pride as our home-province player, Sidney Crosby sealed the game with the final, winning goal.  Ah, sweet victory!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A new attitude.

Two nights ago I had a good and long conversation with God about "stuff".  Food in particular.  I know that God wants me to be the best ME, and I want that too, but too often I've tried on my own power.  So, I rely on God to provide every spiritual, emotional and mental need...But not physical? It just doesn't make sense. I truly believe God has been waiting for me to turn to Him for help with motivation to not only excercise (because that's not a huge problem for me), but for self-control with food and portions.  Yesterday, I chose to fast all day as a commitment to God. I wanted to spend more time praying and no time eating, to show Him I'm surrendering food and the sheer desire for food all to Him.  He can fulfill me in every other area of life, and I know He can and will fulfill the (void?) that I think maybe I've tried to fill with food.  Every time I had a hunger pang I would pray about it and ask for strength and it would soon go away! I wish I wasn't so surprised every time God comes through for me.  When I woke up this morning i thought I would be sooo hungry! But I actually had energy and was in a good mood, and no hunger at all.  I chose to eat some yogurt at lunch time today and chicken this afternoon to ease my way back into it, since I hadn't eaten in nearly 48 hours.  I believe God blessed me for the day we had together yesterday.  I think a day of fasting is something I would like to maybe do once a month, or every 2 weeks.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


To anyone reading this post, it won't make much sense...but it serves as a personal reminder to myself about a commitment and personal surrendering.
1. Milk
2. Water
3. Tea
4. Fresh-squeezed orange juice

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sister, put some clothes on!

Since I've been living out of a city and in a very small town in Saskatchewan, perhaps my views have changed, or perhaps my de-sensitization has faded...but all I know is this-- I am exhausted by the half-naked ladies all over the tv, movies, internet, ads, magazines...and the list continues. The issue first popped in my mind last week when I was watching the season premier of Survivor with my husband. I have always been aware that the girls on the show (and some of the guys) show WAY too much skin. But the editing of this particular Survivor drove me crazy! The very first challenge involved wrestling between 3 nearly naked girls where their bathing suit tops were falling off, and one even came off completely as she ran off and won the challenge...topless. The camera angles were belly, breats, butts, and VERY personal shots when the girls were bent over. If anyone thinks this is accidental on the part of the producers...they are naiive. I know it's my choice to turn off the tv, or avoid certain shows or movies...and I do. But even the "safe" ones seem to be getting ridiculous. There are a number of reasons this bothers me. 1- I don't want my husband to have to deal with the constant "looking away" or closing his eyes out of love and respect for me (although I completely appreciate it). 2- If or when I have children I don't want my girls to think skimpy clothes or bathing suits are desirable or sexy, or my boys to be convinced that girls who act and dress like this are good mates, or the obvious fact that young men already have their hormones to deal with and don't need over sexualized media to tempt them even further. 3- I don't need these images to compare my own self to. It is already difficult not to be critical of one's self...why would we need any help? 4- Marriages have enough to deal with already. The last thing they need is half naked men and women parading around on screen, causing temptations, jealousy, mistrust, hurts and needless arguments. This is definitely a vent.
I am blessed to have a husband who shares the same values as me, and knows when the tv needs to be turned off...but it is still a huge problem and affects men, women, and children. I don't know how I, as one person, could change this naked reality; but what I can do it pray about it and try to be an example of a woman who doesn't feel the need to be half-dressed to feel confident or pretty. My husband likes me in yoga pants and ponytails, and I feel so blessed to have the assurance that I'm loved for my heart and soul, and not my skin.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thinking...thinking.... :)

When or how in the world do you know when it's time to start your family?  I have step one complete: Marry the best man I've ever (or ever will) known.  So we've been married for 9 months, and we're both young in our early-mid 20's...so there's no rush, but why do I get this baby fever every couple of months?  I am always pondering baby names, baby clothes, baby baths, baby cribs, baby talk, baby kisses and hugs...but not so sure we're ready to have that special baby yet.  I wonder when we'll know?  Over the past few years I've seen at least 20-30 babies born to friends or aquaintances I went to school with.  And the friends I'm closer to that have children express this amazing love and joy they feel for their children...it's almost indescribable for them.  So maybe I'm just envying that feeling a bit. I want to have this life-changing, emotion- filled, indescribable love for my baby (s).  But, we won't rush it.  We'll leave it up to God, and we'll try and be patient and enjoy our wonderful marriage.  :-)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New laptop :)

I've finally entered the world of advanced technology lol. We got a beautiful laptop when we went to Regina yesterday and I'm in love with it. Huge screen, fast, great features...ahh it's lovely.  We also got an IPod nano and I'm literallty amazed at it's awesome abilities and how much you can do with it.  So, needless to say, I'm kinda excited.  But aside from all that goodness, my hubby and I had a wonderful belated Valentine's Day in Regina. We saw a movie, ate a few meals out, played in the arcade, and sang at the top of our lungs on the car ride home.  He's my best friend! I love living life alongside of him.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Be Mine, Valentine

I have a confession to make that seems to be faux pas nowadays.  I like Vanlentine's Day! I admit it!  No, Devin and I don't go all out with gifts and bouquets upon bouquets of flowers, or trips, or nights in hotels...but we do give homemade cards or nice love letters or a small batch of flowers, or a favourite CD.  It's a sweet littler reminder of the romance that still holds strong in relationships, and a reminder of what's important: Love Love Love.  Valentine's Day is not just for the love birds (I don't think).  It can be celebrated with girlfriends, Mommy's and daughters, Daddy's and daughters, Brothers and Sisters...anyone who loves :).  As long as I can remember my Dad sent me a special father-daughter Valentine's card and I cherished them so much.  This year I'm married so my mom and dad sent me a card from both of them and I'm looking forward to the lovely card or letter from my cherished husband.

So, although my love is working tomorrow on Valentine's Day, I'm going to make him a lovely supper, give him my homemade Valentine *and some Reeses Pieces!*, and shower him with love and kisses and hugs because he's my Valentine and he's SO special to me.  Happy Valentine's Day to ALL.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympics begin...on a sad note

It's such an exciting day in Canada as we're hosting the Olympics in Vancouver!  I feel a bit closer to the Olympics this year, literally, I suppose because I'm in SK and they are just a couple of provinces over in BC.  The saddest story was on the news this afternoon.  We watched as a Georgian luge slider went flying off his sled and off the track and hit a pole of some sort.  The poor man died soon after.  It was an awful thing to see on television, and a sad start to a patriotic day.  I hope that his life and death will be considered and mourned properly at the Olympics and not overlooked amidst the excitement.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

God is awesome!

Sometimes I go on and on in prayer and I don't stop to think that maybe God won't give us the narrow Plan A or Plan B that we ask for, maybe He has this other amazing plan for us that we hadn't thought to ask for...My mother is the most amazing prayer warrior I've ever known.  Everytime she prays on my behalf I feel like the answers are so loud and clear.  Well, a few days ago she asked God to "surprise" Devin and I in all of our plans and prayers about Nunavut and postings. The very next day I received a random message on FB from a girl who used to live in an LDP (limited duration posting) in New Brunswick.  She informed me that it was their "ticket" out of Manitoba and they just loved it there.  ALSO, there is an opening there in the next few months. WOW! At first it didn't strike me as an answer, or even a hint from God; but it didn't take long for me to believe that maybe it really was.  When my mom told me on the phone last night about her prayer I was in shock and awe.

I am truly hoping, praying and desiring that this is God's will.  However, whatever His will may be, I want to accept it with grace and humility.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Open and Closed doors

So yesterday I discovered that I will likely not be teaching anytime this school year.  I was just so frustrated I couldn't hold the tears.  I had been waiting from Sept. to Feb. for my certification to "come through any day"...yeah I guess it doesn't work that way.  So after a long and irritating process I picked myself up, updated my resume, and went job hunting today.  I sent out 3 resumes (being a small town, that's not bad lol) and e mailed the school principal telling him the bad news, but also telling him that I'd volunteer in the classroom ANY time I was needed. I can't stay home all day everyday anymore.  I need to help someone, to work, to have a bit more of a purpose for waking up in the morning.  I know God will open up something for me if I am willing, which I think I finally am.

On an even more positive note.  A kind woman informed me via Facebook today of an availible posting in a few months in NB! :)  It might mean nothing, it might be a sign straight from God, all I know is it put a smile on my face and gave me a little bit of hope, and one more thing to include in my prayers.

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