
Friday, October 14, 2011

Doing Something About it

We've been trying to conceive for over a year now, about 14 months to be exact..but who's counting?
I've had moments of complete hopelessness and worry that I'll never become pregnant, and other times where I believe it's a "timing thing" and it will happen when it's supposed to. Well, while I still believe this to be true, and I trust in God's perfect will and timing...I also know that He gives us a will, brains, and resources to do something about it.

A couple weeks ago I was determined to make 2 phone calls I'd been putting off. One was to the doctor, and the other to the Adoption Support Centre in Saskatoon. Devin and I recently decided we would like to adopt. Whether sooner or later, we know it's something we want to do, so we're moving ahead with the process and will trust that God will open and close doors as He sees fit. It is a huge, exciting and scary process. We don't see adoption as a Plan B and we still want to have biological children, but we are keeping our hearts open to any child God wants to entrust to us.

Today I went to see a doctor. I have been avoiding and dreading this appointment for a few months. Of course she was very sweet and put me at ease...but I worked myself up so much about it. So now I'm headed for a slew of bloodtests and ultrasounds, but I'm strangely looking forward to it as I know that at least I'm now doing something about it.

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