
Thursday, January 28, 2010

I love...

  1. Devin
  2. My relationship with Jesus
  3. Christian parents
  4. Good health
  5. Music
  6. Friendships
  7. Clean water
  8. Heat and electricity
  9. Canada
  10. Rudy
  11. Our home
  12. Opportunity
  13. Hope
  14. Casting Crowns
  15. Beth Moore
  16. Tim Hortons
  17. The ocean
  18. Lighthouses
  19. Marriage
  20. Good movies
  21. Books
  22. E-mail and communication
  23. Playing in the snow
  24. Swimming
  25. Outdoor skating
  26. Travelling
  27. My many church families
  28. Pizza
  29. Yogurt
  30. Children/babies
  31. Laughter
  32. Picnics
  33. Long walks
  34. Christmas
  35. Fantasy perfume
  36. The smell of clean laundry
  37. Spring time
  38. Sunrise and sunset
  39. Wii Mario Kart
  40. Neices and nephews
  41. Whale watching
  42. Fishing
  43. Visits with family
  44. Coffee dates
  45. Watching Reba
  46. Bible study
  47. Sewing puppy shirts
  48. Long phone calls with Mom
  49. Telling and listening to funny stories
  50. Camping

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