
Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's a new year..2011. I'm not really the type to see it as a "fresh beginning" or a "new start" and I don't usually make any type of serious resolution, but not because I'm pessimistic, but moreso because I just think that it is better to work on improving yourself and your life everyday, not just a promise you make yourself on December 31st. I have made a lot of resolutions in my life, and there are few I've kept. I've been resolved to be a runner, and I ran for a couple of months and then quit when I went on vacation to Nova Scotia. I have resolved to lose weight and be in tip top shape, and sometimes I have lost a fair bit and got into good shape..but 6 months later the chocolate and potlucks took their toll on me.

I have made some "resolutions" in my life that I have kept. While I don't remember the pinnacle moment I decided these things; they were still intentional. I am resolved to make decisions in my life based on God's will, not my own. While I obviously have not done this in every situation in my life, it's become more intentional, and much easier over the past few years. I was also resolved to remiain a virgin until marriage--check. :)  I also am resolved to be a loyal wife who upholds her marriage relationship above all others (aside from my relationship with God). I want to be gentle, kind, compassionate and submissive to Devin.  I am also resolved to draw nearer to God, learn more about Him, and use opportunities He gives me to love others and share His love with them.

 There are more, but these are some big ones that I am committed to, not just on December 31st, but for the rest of my life.

Happy 2011!

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