
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh so safe

After watching the movie "Bordertown" with Jennifer Lopez and Antonio Banderas, I am just overwhelmed by the conditions that MILLIONS of people in our world live in, while I sit, sleep, play, work and worship so safely day in and day out. The movie was based on true events in Juarez, Mexico--which is also currently the murder capital of the world.  The plot was about these factories built on the American/Mexican border that Mexican women work in for long hours and barely any money. These women were/are not being safely transported to and from these factories and hundreds have ended up raped and murdered, and the police and other authorities have done everything they could to cover it up so the Americans would not cut off the "free trade" agreement they had going on..along with many other corrupt reasons I'd assume.

It just made me ill, the helplessness of these women and girls. They had no rights, no respect and no safety.  I rarely stop to think of my safety unless I'm driving on an icy road or walking on a city street late at night (which my parents repeatedly begged me never to do). I take it for granted that the men I interact with everyday are trustworthy and respectful to me and other women. I take for granted that I can attend church any day of the week and freely praise my Saviour without fear of persecution (at least not legal or physical). I take for granted that I have job opportunities and education, and I do not have to be herded into a factory for at least 12 hours a day, with no money to show for it.  The story of these women of Juarez just breaks my heart.

I thank God for my safety, and I pray that I will not take it for granted anymore, but appreciate it and remember to pray for those who are never safe in this world. I doubt I will ever fully understand the trials faced by so many of these women of Juarez, but I do want to faithfully pray for this city that is so desperately in need of God.

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