
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Let the Journey Begin

I read something today that encouraged those who were beginning, in, or finished the adoption process to blog or write about it. So, since that's us, I thought I'd start writing about this journey on my blog, because my paper journals are always left unfinished or lost somewhere.

Today Devin sat down and read the "guidebook" that was sent to us from the Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan. They also send a booklet of questions that we are to answer individually and then share with eachother afterwards. I finished my booklet the night we received it--because I'm nerdy like that. We weren't required to send our answers to ASCS, but to discuss them with our spouse, and if we still felt comfortable beginning the adoption process we were to sign a little informal contract. The signatures on that paper signified the true beginning of this process. It said we were agreeing that we want to move foreward with adoption, and we were giving the province permission to contact us and start the application with us soon. I have butterflies just thinking about it.

If I let myself, I am tempted to start doubting and worrying that we should just relax and wait awhile. Afterall we are going to be having lots of tests, bloodwork and I'm having an ultrasound all within the next few weeks. However, when I'm really honest with myself and I'm really listening to God, I feel His encouraging whisper tell me "If you're walking in My Will, everything will work out. You can trust Me. I will not give you anything more or less than my perfect will has in store for you. No need to worry".
Devin and I need to continually pray and trust in Him. I am confident He is allowing us to proceed in both the adoption process, as well as medical research into the reason for our infertility, until He decides to either close some doors, or open a door to a child or children for us.

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