
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Snowflake Blessings

So tonight I came home from a local musical Christmas concert and was standing out on my back step after I put the dog outside. I noticed how beautifully the snow was falling. I LOVE when it falls so gently and silently, with not a breath of wind...but that's not what I was in awe about. I had this random thought pop in my head that I truly didn't know whether or not snowflakes were actually shaped like the "typical snowflake" decorations, stamps and paper cut-outs I see.  So I tried to catch some flakes on my coat sleeve, and was honest-to-goodness shocked and overjoyed that these snowflakes are not just shapeless lumps of frozen water, each one that fell on my sleeve was SO unique and defined and beautiful! I have lived over 25 years, and I truly am a "stop and smell the roses" kind of person, and I have never noticed this before. I feel a bit ridiculous, but I also feel so blessed.

The connection I'm about to make might seem like a leap, but at the time, when I was standing outside in all of that beauty, it took me about 10 seconds to feel it--overwhelmed with gratitude and a feeling of being greatly blessed. My precious God, in His wonderful masterpiece called Creation, decided that snowflakes would be intricate, detailed, stunningly beautiful creations. Billions and billions of these--not one the same.  So I got to thinking about how He uses something as simple as a discovery of snowflakes to point back to Him, to remind me He is still there. Even though I was crying out to Him just days before, yelling at Him to say something, or do something(!!!) He was there all along, speaking in a silent, gentle whisper, waiting for me to look up.

All this time I thought snowflakes were just ``pretty``...now I look at them falling on me and I imagine the countless blessings ``falling on me`` from God. Sometimes God seems so quiet, and I fail to notice the infinite ways I`ve been blessed, and the many ways He uses people, creation, moments to speak to me. He used something as simple as snowflakes, and I am so thankful. These are my snowflake blessings.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful words Holly. We get so busy doing our day to day stuff and we forget that God is always there, even in the snowflakes.


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