
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feelings about adoption

Lately, when I think, read, or pray about adoption, my heart leaps. I'm so excited at the thought. The longer our time of trying to conceive stretches out, the more I am forced to wonder, "is this wait a clear answer?" I'm starting to feel as if we are *supposed* to adopt before conceiving naturally. Some people may assume my feelings about adoption mean I'm "giving up" on conceiving...but it's so not true. I'm starting to understand that adoption is something I truly want and desire for our family, and I believe we WILL adopt whether it be sooner or later. It's not Plan B, it's another aspect of Plan A, which is: have a family. I believe more than ever that I will love, cherish and respect my adopted child as I will my biological, and I do believe in my heart that I will be a mother to both.
The Lord has put a real peace in me about all of this. I still shed tears over the wait, and long to hold my child, and feel a bit envious when friends announce pregnancies, or when I hear about "unwanted pregnancies" it makes me almost sick. But MOST days--most days I'm hopeful, and I allow God to speak truth to me and remind me that He will never forsake us, that His good and perfect will is working itself out, that He knows the plans He has for us, and they are to prosper us, give us hope, and give us a future!

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