
Monday, September 10, 2012

Why teaching is hard

When I say "hard" I don't refer to the fact that a room full of energetic children can be hard to handle. I also don't mean that it is hard to teach certain skills or facts to students of various learning levels and abilities--those things are challenges--but not hard per se.

I find teaching hard because I don't think I'm supposed to do it. Last year I had a teaching contract that I never thought I would have because I thought I would be home nursing, loving and raising my baby. OK, so that didn't happen, and I'm over it. But then there is this year. Now, I'm a substitute teacher. I am very happy to be subbing (rather than contract teaching) this year as I have never been fond of a set schedule, and I love the freedom it offers. The reason it is hard is because I truly do not feel like teaching (in a school setting anyway) is what I am meant to do, and I can tell by the way my heart is not in it.

I really do care about my students, and I like working in a public setting and the interaction with people of all ages that goes along with it, but even on the best day at school, I still don't have that "right" feeling I think should go along with it. Maybe I am way too focused on feelings instead of logic, but hey, I'm a woman. If I follow my feelings, I feel like I'm meant to be a mom, I feel like I really enjoy photography and would really like to run a photography business, I feel like church work is very important to me and I'd rather volunteer time with the youth group than get paid to teach them in a public school (slightly backwards?), and lastly, I feel so good when I have time at home to be with my husband, cook meals and keep things tidy. Most of these feelings are hard to share with people of the working world because I fear that I appear lazy. I'm not lazy, I just don't know if I'm meant to be a "career woman", and I'm fortunate to have the financial and moral support of my husband so I have the choice whether or not to work

I have had this internal "debate" for some time now, and there is something about writing it out that seems to help, even if it isn't resolved.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so with you on this, Holly! I enjoy my time in the classroom, but I would so rather be home ... counting the days!!

    I do pray that this window into the 'working world' I've had will help me cherish the opportunity to stay home even more.

    Praying that you will figure out exactly where God wants you to be going forward :)


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