Studies have shown that your happiness increases by about 25% when you give thanks. Ann Voskamp (author of One Thousand Gifts) has created a Joy Dare for the month of November that I intend to follow. I loosely started following it on November 1st via Facebook, but will transfer that onto my blog and edit this entry daily to write down my gifts for that day.
Here goes!
1st: 3 gifts eaten - A grilled cheese sandwich, lemon meringue yogurt, banana
2nd: 3 gifts worn - warm sweatpants, glasses to see, dog fur from my loveable puggle
3rd: 3 gifts that start with N- Niece (Tori), Nephews (Felix, Thomas and Jaxon), and New morning after a hard night.
4th: A gift Gathered, Given, Good - (Gathered)Groceries from the store, (Given)hugs and kisses from my husband, (Good) Chocolate Chai tea.
5th: 3 gifts acorn-small - My engagement ring and wedding band, my cross pendant, my digital camera card that stores memories.
6th: 3 gifts Government - The right to vote, freedom to worship God, freedom to speak for what I believe.
7th: 3 gifts from your window - Big back yard to play in, our reliable car, neighbours we enjoy life with.
8th: A gift sweet, salty, sipped - The chocolate chip-banana muffins I made this morning, the ocean, and cold milk.
9th: 3 Gifts Harvest - Amazing dusty sunsets, changing colours, cooler temperatures.
10th: 3 Gifts in Bible Reading - Hope through trust in God, Hope for motherhood, guidance in life:
Romans 15:13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Psalms 113:9 He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!
Psalm 32:8 The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.
11th: 3 Gifts of Remembrance - (1) Remembering the men and women who gave (and continue to give) their lives for our country and freedom, (2)Remembering my Saviour, Jesus, who gave His life on the cross for my sins so I can have an eternal relationship with God, and (3) Remembering the great times shared with our friends (the Treschers), who are moving to Paraguay this month.
12th: 3 Gifts at Noon - A little stray dog finding warmth from the cold, cheesey casserole shared with my husband, and the powdery snow sparkling in the sun.
13th: 3 Gifts Behind a Door - My neighbours, my cozy bed and my husband's workplace.
14th: 3 Gifts Silent - A night time walk under the stars, quiet time in the Word of God, restful sleep.
15th: 3 Gifts Golden - My wedding band that represents a lifetime of love, the sun shining gold outside, the trim on the pages of my Bible.
16th: 3 Gifts Hard Eucharisteo - Waiting for a baby and the amazing gifts I've received during this time, Saying goodbye to dear friends as they follow God's plan for their life, living so far from family but having friends as close as family.
17th: 3 Gifts of Laughter - Watching my husband dance in his uniform, random and ridiculous things Rudy does, and shared laughter over supper with friends.
18th: 3 Gifts Made, Shared, Passed on - My knit slippers from a friend, a book I wanted to read shared with me from a friend, the testimony of my faith journey that I can pass on to my youth group.
19th: 3 Gifts Autumn - The first snowfall, vibrant colours of leaves, and warm, cozy sweaters.
20th: 3 Gifts Tradition - Putting up the Christmas tree in late November, Going to church every Sunday morning, breakfast at the Cafe at 10 am with my husband and his co-workers.
21st: 3 Gifts Family - My supportive, amazing husband. My lovely mom and dad who have given me so much, and my mother and father-in-law whom I adore.
22nd: A Gift Grateful - I am grateful for the 3 full days ahead with my husband off of work.
23rd: 3 Gifts only in Christ - The hope of an eternity with God and loved ones, the peace that passes all understanding, especially in trialsome times, and a day-to-day joy that I can find nowhere but in my relationship with Him.
24th: 3 Gifts Humble - 1)The sweet baby Jesus in my Nativity scene 2) the act of giving to homeless shelters or children in the third world, and the longing to give more 3) A handmade card or picture from a student or child I love.
25th: 3 Gifts Ugly-Beautiful - 1) my puggle's massive underbite that we (and other people) make fun of, but it also makes me so happy and causes a lot of laughter because it's ridiculous, My hug, puffy winter coat that adds about 50 pounds but keeps me cozier than any other coat I've owned, and the horrendous LED lights I'm forced to put on my Christmas tree, that actually ended up creating a nice, soft glow after all.
26th: 3 Gifts Preparing - Preparing for Christmas by decorating and baking, preparing a lasagna for Devin and I for lunch, and preparing my faith story (testimony) for the teen Sunday School class at my church.
27th: A Gift Handmade, Held, Happy - My Christmas dish towel made by Devin's Grand-mere, my dear friend's beautiful baby I held last night, and the happiness that comes from singing Christmas carols with my husband this morning.
28th: 3 Gifts in Community - Visiting with the ladies at the Post Office who love on my dog and me, familiar faces on every walk, in every store, and at church, and the opportunity to sing in 2 community Christmas concerts this December.
29th: 3 Gifts Red - My car that is safe and reliable. The colour on the new Nativity quilt I received in the mail today. The colour of my husband's RCMP serge.
30th: 3 Gifts Astonishing! - God's unconditional love for me and mankind, and how He showed it by sending Jesus to be sacrificed. The way God has changed my heart from discontent and unrest, to peacefulness and thankfulness. Hearing the testimony of a young Hollywood actor whose life has been turned upside down by God.
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