
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How we're doing Valentine's Day

Devin and I aren't really tradition people, unless you call eating most of our meals on TV trays while watching "The Office" for the millionth time a tradition. It used to bother me that we didn't do the same thing twice, be it a birthday celebration, Easter, or even Christmas...but now I sort of like it. It mixes it up a bit, and you never know what to expect.

Valentine's Day can be heavily focused on what men can do for their women...but it's supposed to be about love, and love is mutual, so I'm often stumped about what to give or do for my sweet but manly hubby. This year, the gifts were kept to a minimum, I bought a few things I thought he would like, but when I really thought of what my man enjoys, a lightbulb turned on--food. He looooves food. So what better way to show him I love him than to make him some of his favourites?

Tonight I spent a bit of time in the kitchen making french vanilla cake with buttercream frosting, and macaroni salad (his absolute favourite food) to accompany his cheeseburgers I'll make him for supper tomorrow night. Yum!

Devin's so good at doting on me on special days. He bought me 3 and decided to give one to me each day until V-day. Yesterday he gave me a Kutless CD, tonight he gave me a beautiful red journal with bible verses on each page...totally sweet, lovely gifts. He knows how to love me with sweet gifts that he knows would be special to me, and I hope he feels loved when he fills his belly with food I made with his enjoyment in mind.

I am so blessed to spend my life with this man God has given me. We genuinely enjoy each other's company, we are best friends. He always hugs me when I'm in the kitchen making him food. He makes me laugh about 50+ times a day. I love how he rubs his knees when he's telling a story, or how he never gets warm unless we're in the car driving somewhere...then he's boiling hot. I love the way his voice sounds when he reads aloud from the Bible. I love that he pops home about 10 times a day with a hello and a hug. I love that he thinks of me first, loves me most, and tells me daily.

I love him.

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