
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


It's a new year, and I couldn't be happier! 2012 was hard. Particularly the final month of 2012...December was just plain hard.

But alas, it is a new year and a new day, and there is something in the air that makes people want to change, improve, move forward...myself included.

Here are some of the goals, prayers and desires I have for this year:

#1 Devin and I plan to read the Bible the whole way through by using the reading plan in our Bibles. We started off well and did our reading first thing this morning.

#2 I hope to purge and declutter our house, especially since we may be moving in a year, give or take a few months. In that process I want to give to others and free myself from the bondage of "stuff". Our home itself isn't so bad...it's that ol' basement that needs tackling.

#3 I will count my blessings...literally. I will do Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare which is to write down 1000 gifts God has blessed me with, in one year. I started this about a year ago and reached the 200's I think, but didn't complete it. This year, I'll try again.  Even if I don't get 1000, it is still not wasted time to count blessings!

#4 I will continue to believe in miracles, and pray and believe God will bless us with a child either through adoption or naturally.

1 comment:

  1. I have numbers 2 and 3 on my list for this year as well! And praying especially for #4 for you this year.


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