
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My mother-in-law

I would think that most blogs entitled "My mother-in-law" would have many people thinking thoughts of intrusive, nagging, not-so-pleasant mother-in-laws that sometimes make life difficult for their daughter-in-laws. Let me just say the woman I'm so blessed to call my mom-in-law is absolutely NOTHING like that.

Jocelyn is a dear, thoughtful, gentle, patient, ROCK of a woman. She raised the best (most handsome) man I've ever met and she loves me like her own. She cares, with deep selflessness, for her husband, daughter and 2 grandchildren, and for Devin and I from afar. She has offered prayers and words of encouragement through our struggle with infertility, and respectfully and gently asks questions and gives a bit of advice.

Tonight, she called me to tell me that she has been reading and enjoying my blog, and encouraged me to continue writing. She just has a way of pointing out the little details, talents or qualities of people,  that others may overlook.

Jocelyn, if you`re reading this, just know how great you are, and how much I appreciate you. You are loved!

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